Monday, October 31, 2005

Bad Poetry (for lack of anything to say)

Arab Strap - One Day, After School
Things every blogger should do at least once in their blogging life:
#1 – Post 10, 000 pictures of their pet
#2 – Post 10 000 pictures of the right side of their face
(otherwise known as The Mariah Carey Pose.
Also known as the Must Not Let Anyone Find Out
That I Look Like Radiohead’s Thom Yorke Pose.)
#3 – Post a bad poem they wrote.

I was looking through my old journal the other day and found a whole load of bad poems I wrote when I was suffering from the delusion that I was Pablo Neruda incarnate. Since I don’t have a pet or a working digital camera at the moment, I thought I would fulfill item #3 and post the result of my most recent foray into the world of lousy poetry here. Have a good laugh!

Coming Down (written on the 6th of June 2005)
Exiled from my ice
kingdom high
up in space
my crystal crown up in smoke
scentless and senseless
colorless and worthless
Down again
To earth that feels like hell.

The atmosphere cooks up my blood
into a thick syrup
that will not flow through my veins.
An old racehorse beats
beneath my left breast
on its last glory run on track
saving no life to die in
the stables
An acupuncturist in my lungs
under-qualified prick
My jaw clenches but this isn’t pain
(This is) the tense anticipation of sleep
that will not come
despite the thousand herds of sheep.

A friend calls to tell me of his dream.

The descend
has left me
utterly lacking in light.
how the stars show up in full tonight
But the streets,
the streets on earth
still need to be lit
by artificial light.
Now we move on to Ways to Make People Love Your Bad Poetry
#1 – Have a tumultuous marriage to a philandering, critically
acclaimed fellow poet.
#2 – Stick your head in a gas oven.

No, Sylvia Plath, why would you think I was talking about you?

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Panic Attacks for Under-Medicated Slackers

Zadie Smith once wrote this of Zen-philosophy: “Don’t just stand there! Sit down…”

Do you feel like you’re in a vacuum one second, and stuck in a tropical storm the next? Sorry, that’s just me hyperventilating.

There’s no room for panic-attacks in Zen.

I’ve had three separate talks on sexual and romantic relationships with three separate friends this past two weeks. I don’t know why everyone’s suddenly in the mood to talk of romance or the lack of – must be something in the air, or the water…… Here’s what I think of romance, and lust and temporary insanity (call it whatever you want to call it): While I find it a novel, charming concept in theory, when I think of the possibility of something like that actually happening to me (rock star worship, obsessions and fantasies don’t count), I panic with a capital P and a capital A-N-I-C to add to it– my heart rate goes up, my muscles tense, I breathe more rapidly, I put on the goofiest, most unattractive, uncomfortable smile my goofy face can manage and my eyes widen like your typical deer caught in headlights. The eyes widening part is the precious bit since my eyes are not exactly what you would call large – when I smile in pictures, they tend to disappear – they look like someone took a kohl pencil and drew two lines where my eyes should be.

It’s not just relationship/ commitment-phobia, this is extreme, this is very-very-casual dating-phobia. And some people wonder why I’ve been single all my life. I can’t even handle being liked in that way let alone loved. A friend of mine once commented how strange it is that I’m able to form such “fantastically solid friendships” (her words, not mine) but not even a vague (very, very vague) hint of a romantic or in the least, sexual relationship. Seriously, how does she expect me to do that when I can’t even breathe at the slightest thought of someone (other than my current rock star du jour) only remotely fancying me? I’ll be dead and blue 30 minutes before the first date. Charming. Tim Burton can do a biopic of me and call it The Corpse Date.

Groucho Marx once said something about how he wouldn’t want to be part of any club that wanted him as a member. In my case, it’s not that I don’t want to, I don’t subscribe to that brand of snooty-ism, it’s more of I can’t understand why any club would want me as a member. If they tell me they do, I get the feeling that a) they’re lying or b) their cognitive ability is impaired by an overdose of psychotropic substances. Based on history, here’s my train of thought whenever someone tells me of their (mild) fondness for me in ways other than strictly and chastely platonic: Why? Are you kidding me? What’s wrong with you? Who put you up to this? Can’t you see that I lack the required genetic code that would enable me to function as anything other than a strictly platonic and chaste friend? Haven’t you read my blog? Can’t you tell from it that I’m nuts? I have serious issues – it’s written on my forehead. Are you blind? Have you seen what I look like? Are you a sucker for punishment, for pain? Seriously, who put you up to this?

As you can tell, even the passive approach to dating and relationships cause me great stress that I think it’s safe to say that I never take the pro-active approach to it. Even if the guy took the first serve and the ball is in my court, I would just watch the ball bounce away…bop….bop…bop…grab my towel, walk off and take a long, cold shower. Even if I was hit on the head with the ball, I wouldn’t throw it back in retaliation. I would just lose consciousness. Charming. But take note, I’m no fainting damsel. Don’t rescue me. Leave me alone. Why don’t you want to rescue me? What? I’m not cute enough? What are you doing? Leave me alone. Wait, come back! No, don’t. Wait……

Do you feel like you’re hanging out with a lame, sub-par intelligence imitation of Woody Allen? Sorry, that’s just me and my neurosis.

Generally speaking, don’t tell me you like me only to change your mind some time down the line. And trust me, you will, once the effects of whatever drug it is you’re taking wears off. Or you’re back on your medication. I mean, I can’t blame people for changing their minds. I’m listed in the thesaurus as an alternative word for fickle. I can like something so intensely one minute and forgot why I ever did the next. Wait, that doesn’t mean I’m fickle. That just means I have very poor memory. But then, if for some odd, incomprehensible reason you find yourself liking me, don’t drop vague hints, please spell it out for me. I’m no good at hints. I’m bad at Charades. I’m bad at Cluedo. I get easily confused by hints, so much that I ignore them. But then, if you do indeed spell it out for me, it would only send me into a debilitating state of panic. Paralysis. Sorry, no one’s home. No brain waves recorded. Blink. Blink.

I don’t think it’s so much the sexual aspect of dating and relationships that put me off (although I am apprehensive about it mostly because I hate doing things that I don’t really have a clue on how to go about doing hence why I generally, in all areas, never do anything since I’m generally clueless). I think it’s the emotional aspect that scares the living daylights out of me. A friend of mine, another one, once told me that if I don’t open myself up to the possibility of rejection, hurt and heartbreak that I would never ever feel that great sense of belonging, happiness and that blissful feet-elevating kinda love every other damn person talks about. If you never put in an application, you will never be rejected or accepted. That’s fine by me. I’m not looking for love. Heck, I’m not even looking for an ultra-casual good time or maybe I am but I panic when I find it to the point where I can’t make myself look anymore. Right now, I’m about mature enough to handle a grand total of two emotions in regard to my love and lust life: i) bored, chaste, single but unavailable, ii) comfortably bored, chaste, single and unavailable. Ok, that’s not so much emotion as it is a state of being. Sure, I bitch about it occasionally. In theory, I’m open to changing my state of dateless-ness/ chasteness (lets not even talk about my singledom yet), really, I am. Go on, ask me out, or just ask me for a kiss, really. No, not really. But go on, stroke my ego, tell me I’m desirable. Then again, don’t. Then again, please do, my ego needs it. No, just don’t.

Do you feel like you’re in a vacuum one second, and stuck in a tropical storm the next? Sorry, that’s just me hyperventilating.

I’m no good with expectations, any sort of expectations – my expectations of others, and their expectations of me. Sure, I have dreams of running away with a rock band and starting my own cult but those are merely sweet little reveries, I don’t actually expect them to happen and the best part is, no one expects it of me. I’ve worked long and hard for nearly two decades to create a pressure-free, expectation-free zone for me to live in. It’s the dullest place to be in but also, the most comfortable. Expectations of any sort send me into uncontrollable and incapacitating fits of anxiety. If you know me in real life, and not just through this blog in which I let my neurosis run wild and free, don’t let the laid-back Zen-ed out slacker persona fool you – that’s just me overcompensating for how easily things, even the smallest of things send me flying in panic. I believe the anxiety stems from the fact that I have this major tendency to fuck up the most minor of tasks. For example: The other day, I had to go to the bank (Tabung Haji to be specific) to withdraw a large sum of money that I can’t spend frivolously because it’s basically my parents’ money (it’s just in an account under my name). It was a sweltering hot day and there I was, stuck in my ratty car with the broken air-conditioning in crawling KL traffic. It took me nearly an hour to get to the Tabung Haji building and another 30 minutes to find parking. And after all that pain, thirst, sweat and swearing at random drivers and 70 year old jaywalkers, no money could be withdrawn because the brilliant me had left my Identity Card (along with my whole wallet) at home, hence the bank authorities could not verify me as the real owner of the account (get a retina-scan machine already, you turds!). So there I was, back in the sauna-on-wheels that I have the displeasure of calling my car, enduring another one hour of KL traffic, driving home to get my IC. Here’s the clincher: The next day, I realized that Tabung Haji has a branch in Kelana Jaya, which is only 15 minutes away from where I live. And the best part is, I’ve been there countless of times before. This incident wouldn’t be a big deal if it was just a rare occurrence in my life but it isn’t; it’s part of a greater pattern of major and minor fuck-ups committed by yours truly. (I frequently forget where I park my car. I still can’t tie my shoelaces without it unraveling 3 minutes later (and therefore God invented flip-flops) I’ve never had a pet that survived longer than 6 years of being under my care). I get the feeling that I’m ill-equipped to do anything but mope in my parents’ house for life. And mooch of them. But in an utterly, sullen non-charming, un-golden child –like way.

I’m thinking, how am I going to survive on my own in Australia next year? I’m thinking, how am I going to graduate, get a job and hold on to it? I’m thinking about how I will no longer be officially considered a teenager at the end of the year. When I turned 19 last year, my biggest worry was that my friends and I had gone too far with trashing the hotel suite where my party was held (actually, no, what am I talking about -that was just too funny to cause me any worry). But now I’m thinking how on earth am I going to pass off and survive as an adult? I’m thinking, I’m thinking, I’m thinking, how the hell, how the hell, how the hell, oh, what the hell, oh, bloody hell!!!!!

Do you feel like you’re in a vacuum one second, and stuck in a tropical storm the next? Sorry, that’s just me hyperventilating.

You’re wrong if you think what I need right now is a great boost in confidence and self esteem. What I really need is enough tranquilizers to put down Seabiscuit. Just so I can stop hyperventilating my life away, you know…………..

That, or a paperbag.

To breathe into.

And another to put over my face.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

So the World Thinks I'm Nuts..........

They're right. I found this at a forum at

195 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2005 : 5:52:52 PM
Ahh yes lots of obsessive and compulsive people on this board but only 1 person can be the most compulsively obsessed for OB:OB.This new poster to Fortune448 who attached her blog link to her posts and has blogged an open letter to INXS(so I assume she won't mind me posting her blog link)may have become a front runner in this pursuit.
Edited by - Hardstar448 on 10/01/2005 6:35:09 PM

PattiDream Voter
USA307 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2005 : 6:10:07 PM
I had a lot of trouble reading anything she wrote, her train of thought jumped its tracks some time ago I am afraid. Thanks for the link since it does make me sure that although I am addicted I am never going to the place this poor soul has gone. I am more than happy to give her the title.
Edited by - Patti on 10/01/2005 6:11:10 PM

19 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2005 : 6:24:19 PM
Re: ultimate INXS fan blog brought to our attention by Hardstar448One word: Wow! Puts things into perspective...she scares me. I would not want to be standing next to her at a concert.eta: should not have cast judgement (definitely not from one blog entry) ...just was a bit taken back by the passionate, very intense writing...definitely a character and as i've said before, that's what makes life interesting. There are too many "beige" people out there anyway.
Edited by - UnquietMind on 10/01/2005 6:47:29 PM

JunkyardMessiahBetter than Pretty
142 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2005 : 6:26:37 PM

This? Fuckin' brilliant. Awww! Love the way this girl thinks! Obsessed to the point of insanity, yes. But like the rest of us, she knows it...and embraces it! Good on her!eta: Stream of conciousness blogging is GOOD for the sanity! Ask Our Psychologist:UnquietMind! ;)etaa: Oops! I just saw UQ's post above, who thinks she's nuts! I must be nuts too, because I totally felt that girl's blog! Yikes!
Edited by - JunkyardMessiah on 10/01/2005 6:36:09 PM

195 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2005 : 6:28:27 PM
I thought it was really well written especially the open letter to INXS,as I was not really an INXS fan before the show.It gives me a good idea what someone who was wary of a replacement singer for Michael was thinking.

19 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2005 : 6:39:55 PM
Lol...JunkyardMessiah--you are not nuts...I stand corrected and send out a heartfelt apology for appearing to cast judgement (realized after that that was NOT right). I'll keep my comment to "Wow!" Well, and add for a "stream of consciousness", it was very well written. Kudos to her for being brave enough to let us in to her thoughts. eta: *backpedaling* *sweat on brow* *TWoP flashback*
Edited by - UnquietMind on 10/01/2005 7:13:04 PM

jacquie129wack wack wack
USA97 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2005 : 6:50:32 PM
My hubby is a smoker and i'm not! Whenever I spend money on something I really don't need but really really want ($44.95 membership to INXS fan club) I just say "well, i don't smoke, what are cigs costing these days? heehee. "Oh, I'm not mad" says loving hubby, "just surprised, thought when the show was over you were going to be done with this JD thing" (yeah right,maybe in next life)

FYWWStill The Total Post Whore
USA829 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2005 : 7:07:42 PM
The best part of that girl's letter to INXS? Part 2!

Note to readers: I'm all better now, I swear!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Stars for Your Bucks

If I had a dollar for every time someone told me to get a job, I wouldn’t need to get one. I would be rich. Richard Branson, eat your Virgin heart out.

But I don’t, have a dollar. Not for everytime someone told me to get a job, at least.

I always said I wouldn’t mind a part-time job as long as it involved flexible hours (i.e. as little hours a week as possible) and didn’t involve working in retail (which I did, for awhile, and spent 10 hours a day poking my eyes out with a clothes hanger) or in Food & Beverage, especially not McDonalds and any sort of fast-food joint where there are more grease particles in the air than oxygen or overpriced coffee outlets (Starbucks, my friend, you are guilty – average price of coffee at Starbucks: RM 10, average price of coffee at local mamak stall: RM 1.50, paying with someone else’s hard earned money: priceless, like the Visa ad).

But now that I think of it, in the hopeless state I’m currently in; working at Starbucks is not beneath me. Working at McDonalds is not beneath me. Working is not beneath me. Whatever made me think so in the first place deserves a giant reality kick in the ass.

Note to self: John Lennon is an asshole. Love is not all you need. You cannot live on love alone but you can try if your life was brimming full with love. But it isn’t. John Lennon is an asshole but at least he was an asshole with money. You were never one of the Beatles. You have no Yoko Ono. No Yoko Ono. Cool band name.

“I hope that my love of dreaming does not take away from my reality of being” – J.D. “Mr Quotable” Fortune.

Licking dirt by the roadside is not beneath me.
Besides, I live by the saying: You should always lick everything at least once.

But I would make a terrible employee. This is not me being self deprecating. This is me being honest. Sometimes, when the moon is just right, I do say things I mean.

This is how I would be like in a job interview, if I were to be honest:

Interviewer : Why do you want this job?
Me: I don’t.
Interviewer: Then why are you here?
Me : God sent me.
Interviewer: Really?
Me: No, who do you think I am? Joan of Arc? Although I did act as her in a school play
once. It was terrible. My costume looked more like that of a Jedi in Star Wars. I felt
like I was trying to liberate France from Darth Vader. At church, the Priest told me
to: “Use the force.” While rehearsing Joan’s burning at the cross scene, I yelled out
“If you strike me down now, I shall come back more powerful than before.” It was
an Obi Wan Kenobi moment.. Oh, and we had these little thin cardboard swords /
lightsabers that kept flopping about – instead of stabbing someone to death, the best
you could do with those swords was to give someone one nasty papercut. Imagine
the news: Retreat ordered. Battalion suffers multiple papercuts.
Interviewer: Really?
Me : No, not really, I was exaggerating. The teachers did make a big fuss though about a
Muslim girl playing a Christian saint, which I found ridiculous. The play had little
to do with religion – it was about history. It was about passion. It was about finding
your purpose in life, finding the goddamn, or should I say in Joan’s case, the god-
blessed motivation to do something. Fight for what you believe in. Liberate your
country. Get burned at the stake alive for it. It was about having to be
halfway out of your mind to achieve greatness. It was about female empowerment
and how people love to set fire to empowered women. Burn her first, love her later.
Interviewer : How did that play inspire you?
Me : Not much although once, I did nearly set fire to my hair while trying to light
my cigarette on the gas stove. God stole my lighter.
Interviewer : Acting aside, have you had any other previous work experience?
Me : Well, I once carried a really heavy TV up a floor. Oh, and I worked for three
months in fashion retail but I have to tell you, I’m better at selling my soul and
at selling out than at selling pretty dresses. I also worked for a day, ushering
really rich bank customers to their table at a business networking luncheon. I must
say, very rich folks have poor memory, seeing that I had to tell each guest their table
number about a 100 times. And some of them have funny names. There was one
guy on the guest list that went by the name of Steed. But he never showed up. I guess,
Steed’s trusty steed isn’t so trusty after all.
Interviewer : What can you bring to this job and our company?
Me : Err…… my heart? Full of bitterness and disgruntlement. And bananas. Lots
of solar dried bananas. It’s my dad’s new business venture. He won’t give me
money but he will give me a box full of bananas. I don’t like bananas.
Interviewer : Any special skills?
Me : Yes, several. I can function on freakishly little sleep. And I can always put up an
excellent fake smile. It’s so good, people can always tell it’s fake. Oh, and I can
snort copious amounts of pepper, chili sauce and carbonated drinks up my nose
without shedding a tear. Really. Wanna see?
Interviewer: Err…no, we’re not that kind of company. Moving on, what are some of
your flaws?
Me : Is this a trick question? I mean, are you stupid enough to have to ask? Are you
blind or simply spaced out? What are you on to be this spaced out? Can I have
Interviewer : No. It’s a company secret. Now, would you like to tell me what you expect
to gain from this job?
Me : Err…weight? Everything makes me gain weight. I can easily gain weight and keep
it on. In the case of famine, I can easily outlast you high metabolic rate fuckers. Put
that under my special skill. Also, some money. Minimum wage money.
Interviewer : Is money important to you?
Me : No, not when I have lots of it. Which is never.
Interviewer : So you would say that money is an important motivating factor for you?
Me : Where did you get that idea? No.
Interviewer : Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
Me : Honey, if I could see the future, I would be a bookie and wouldn’t be needing this
stupid job.
Interviewer : One last question, what the hell is wrong with you?
Me : If I had a dollar for everytime someone asked me that, I would be rich and wouldn’t
be needing this stupid job.
Interviewer : Thank you, we’ll be in touch.
Me : Ok, but where will you be touching me? I’m ticklish.
Interviewer : You’re fired. Security!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me : How can I be fired before I’m hired?
Interviewer : Ok. You’re hired.
Me : You had me at ‘hello’, you had me at ‘ hello’.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

And on the third day, God gave us J.D.

The past two days have been rather lousy for me, with certain unwanted people moving back into the house and all.
But on the third day -------------------->

Get the new INXS album, Switch, coming out Nov. 29.
feat. single, Pretty Vegas

And screw you Jeremy, my love for JD is more than just physical!
Just doesn't exclude it, that's all.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Good Day

Originally written on Thursday, October 13th, 2005:

Where do bad girls go during the holy month?


Bad joke, I know. But I had a good day today.
And good days, they require no elaboration.
All I can say is, somewhere between discussing the origins of the llama, trading impressions of obscure animal sounds (dying giraffe, cat licking cream from spoon...) and debating on technicalities of "lying down", a Good Day came into being.

"I'm not saying we all ought to misbehave, but we should all look as if we can."
- Orson "What the hell does 'rosebud' mean Welles

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Happy Meal for the Soul – the McMeaning of Life

It has been awhile since I’ve written anything because the hunger from fasting has practically diminished my need to rant about anything worth blogging about unless you find me counting down the hours, minutes, and seconds to dinner utterly fascinating. If so, here’s a sample of what I could have been blogging about for the past few days:

Thursday 6th October
11.05 a.m. – 8 hours till I can eat, smoke, drink, think dirty, nasty thoughts.
2.30 p.m. – 4 hours and 35 minutes left. Will sleep and dream of a giant roasted cow and
cigarettes the size of the KL Tower.
6.00 p.m. - 1 hour 5 minutes to go. ME SO HUNGRY. ME SO THIRSTY. ME SO
7.05 p.m. – me can break fast now. Me eat, me drink, me smoke. Me happy.
8.00 p.m. – me ate too much. Big cow me swallow. Me feel sick. Me want throw up.

I think I get it, the whole point to the fasting ritual. It’s not about the deprivation of food per se, as in the deprivation of food is not so much an objective as it is a method used to simplify one’s soul and by simplifying one’s soul, it is arguably easier to achieve a state of contentment. Think about it, it all goes back to the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs, really in which at the bottom most level, you have your basic needs – food, water, (cigarettes in my case), above it you have your security needs, above that your esteem needs and at the top you have your spiritual needs (Disclaimer: this might not be an accurate description of the Hierarchy of Needs but rather, what I can remember of it from the Psych 101 class I took ages ago). According to Maslow’s theory, when one’s lower level needs aren’t fulfilled, it’s damn well nearly impossible for one to be bothered with one’s higher level needs. In other words, if your stomach’s empty and growling like a lead singer of an angry adolescent band, you’re not going to be torturing yourself with thoughts on the meaning of life.

Pondering the meaning of life is for people who have way too much to eat.

In which case, I wonder whether starving supermodels and fanatical dieters ever give much thought to the meaning of life.

Although I’m not saying that hunger is easy business, it is however, a problem in which there is an obvious and direct solution to, provided one is lucky enough to live in an environment where food is easily attainable. If you’re hungry – you go to the kitchen, you open the fridge, you eat. If you’re hungry, and I mean hungry in the absolute physiological sense and not in the Oprah-I-need-to-fill-the-emotional-void-sense, your only worry is that of food and when exactly are you going to get some. If you’re not hungry, you have all the time and mind space in the world to find yourself worrying about being fat, about how worthy you are of love, about the state of the world, about the nature of time in and how you’re not entirely sure if the past, present and future occurs in a linear pattern or if it occurs simultaneously and if it does then wouldn’t the present be as real as the past and the future in which case would throw the cause and effect theory of history out the window hence there would be no consequences to any sort of action which will lead you to the half assed conclusion that nothing you do matters and if nothing you do matters, what exactly is the meaning of life then? See what I mean? Thoughts derived from higher level needs of Maslow’s hierarchy not only get your panties in a twist, they tangle up your soul and are far more complex, (if not entirely abstract) and often, do not present itself with an obvious, straightforward solution. You can’t walk in to a McDonald’s and buy yourself a McMeaningoflife Burger. You can’t walk into a McDonald’s and buy yourself absolute and spiritual happiness through a Happy Meal (though the marketing execs at McD might beg to differ). You can however eat the Happy Meal as an answer to your physiological hunger. Just don’t eat the little plastic toy that comes with the meal. That’ll just bring you a whole new set of problems.

This is what I mean by simplifying one’s soul through fasting, through voluntarily committing one’s fortunate self to truly feeling hunger and thirst. You go back to basics. Instead of figuring out how to live (or how other people should), which can take you a lifetime to figure out (and when you do, you’re dead), you put yourself in a position where you first, need to figure out how to survive. And there’s an obvious answer to survival – breathe, eat, drink, stay away from things higher up than you in the food chain, procreate.

I guess, that is why I haven’t been blogging for the past few days. In a lot of ways, blogging is my way of fulfilling my esteem needs , where I delude myself into thinking that my thoughts are worthy of being expressed to the international public, that the public is even interested in reading my values and opinions as an individual. But since I’ve been fasting for the past couple of days, experiencing a 12-hour state of hunger, thirst and nicotine withdrawal each day, my lower level basic needs has been left unfulfilled leaving me to feel like my esteem needs can go fuck either itself or my spiritual needs – get me a big plate of rice, a tall glass of juice (with pulp) and a pack of cigarettes and I’ll be happy.

So the next time your soul feels weighed down and convoluted by trying to figure out the deeper significance of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon album and other useless, yet entirely worrying vague abstract thoughts regarding the Bigger Picture, try fasting and you’ll be surprised at how limited your range of vision becomes (it’s cold, it’s dark, I see spots).

And if that doesn’t work, try Scientology. Try Kabbalah.

And if that doesn’t work, try joining a cult (apparently, Scientology isn’t a cult). Better yet, try starting your own.

And if that doesn’t work, watch Oprah, watch Dr. Phil.

And if that doesn’t work, try blogging. It really is cathartic.

And if that doesn’t work, who am I to give you advice?
“Tu entre todos los seres tienes derecho a verme débil ”
(You among all beings have the right to see me weak).
- El Dano (The Hurt); Pablo Neruda
At least I think that’s what it means

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Breaking the Habit

Blogger’s General Warning: Fasting may result in loss of weight, water, toxins and sense of humor.


Dirty habit: smoking and sometimes, smoking. Dirtier habit: hogging the microphone during group karaoke. Karaoke: not just a laughable activity exclusive to laughable, drunken Japanese businessmen but laughable people in general, such as yours truly. Yesterday, I think I might have burst a kidney while attempting to sing Bohemian Rhapsody. Dirtiest habit: musicians. And my tendency to fall hopelessly in love (subtitle: scarily obsessed) with them.

Someone needs to remind me that the phrase is ‘Sex, Drugs & Rock n Roll’ not ‘Sex, Drugs & Karaoke’. And ‘sex’ doesn’t just refer to whether you’re male or female.

Somewhere in between dreaming the great rock and roll dream and reconciling oneself with one’s conservative upbringing and the great humdrum of suburban life, is a Communication student.

Whose life is a series of habits piled one on top of another.

So today marks the start of the holy fasting month of Ramadhan where one is suppose to i) abstain from food, water, sex and smoking during daylight hours and ii) try harder to abstain from unholy/ impure/ plain bad ass thoughts, actions, speech and personal dirty habits even more so than usual. Keep in mind that one man’s personal dirty habit might be another man’s anti-bacterial hand gel. What’s the purpose of it all? The standard textbook answer: to purify one’s mind, body and soul. Think of it as a 3-in-1 detox program. Think of it as religious duty, think of it as a matter of afterlife and death and if you don’t, think of it as yet another habit.

Someone must have forgotten to tell me that spiritual and emotional well being cannot be attained out of habit. It cannot be attained by turning the journey of living life itself into an automated process.

And judging by how hungry I am right now, and how I’m just about ready to murder helpless orphan children for a cigarette, someone must have forgotten to wake me up for sahur.

* tak-faham-bahasa translation: Sahur – a meal usually taken shortly before dawn; opportunity to stuff oneself up with food, water, and cigarettes before commencement of the day’s 12-hour fast; highly recommended if not obligatory practice; opportunity for family members to ruin your day even earlier than usual.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Does INXS need a tambourine player?

My mobile says: You have 17 Missed Calls. Seventeen. A friend leaves a message on my voicemail that says: Oi, woman! Do we have to go through a JD Fortune message board to get through to you? Another friend has given up on trying to call me and just shows up at my doorstep unannounced. He finds me in my pajamas (at 12 noon), crusty-eyed, glued to my laptop with a JD Fortune website clearly on display. Keep in mind that this is a very good friend of mine whom I haven’t seen since February this year. Keep in mind that he’s only back in town for a week and today is his last day here. And all I can manage to mutter is an embarrassed ‘Hi! Why didn’t you tell me you were dropping by?” but what I really meant to say was, Geez, if I knew you were coming, I would have gone in search of my mind and stuffed it back into my head, in place of all this JD-obsessed nonsense. He asked me out to lunch with him and his mom (what do you mean lunch - I haven’t even had breakfast yet!). I say no, mainly because I maintain a policy of generally avoiding or at least, limiting face to face contact with all mothers, including my own, my mother’s mother, my friends’ mothers, mothers of baby animals and random ladies on the streets that look like they could be somebody’s mother, and also because I still had some online JD-googling business to sort out. I tell him I’ll call him tonight. That’s what I said last night. And the night before. But I have JD on the brain, and this friend of mine, he doesn’t know who the hell JD is (ah, a crime in itself!). When I say JD, he’ll probably think Jack Daniels – the whisky or Jual Dadah (English translation: Sell Drugs). So I don’t call. Then I feel bad. And I know I’ve completely gone off the deep end of the fan pool and it makes me feel worse. So I switch on my laptop and watch a whole succession of JD performance videos. It’s a vicious cycle.

A different friend of mine, she has an idea of how I can cure myself of my JDiction (see also: JDelusions, Janic Depressive Disorder, JDsistic Personality JDisorder, JDizophrenia, OtherthanJDnesia, Dissociative Personality JDisorder, JDementia). Her idea is that I’m obsessed with JD because I have too much free time on my hands, (since I’m on a sabbatical of sort from my studies). The obvious solution is for me to get myself a job.

In theory, she’s right. I’m less nutty when I’m suffering from work-related stress, believe it or not. I’m less nutty when I have to wash my hair on top of having a 1000 word essay on the intercultural relevance of a Tom Cruise film plus a 12 pages-long dissertation on rock music in Latin America and how it relates with the continent’s socio-political climate to hand in, chemistry equations to balance, an autobiographical student project to film, a speech opposing police-state like government policies to give, a psych 101 pop quiz to sit for all in one day. I bitch about work not because it drives me crazy but because I’m a lazy little fucker that doesn’t enjoy most aspects of sanity. Extended holidays drive me crazy, and not in a good, tequila-shooting, breast-baring Spring Break kind of way. And so I ask her…..

Do you know if INXS needs a tambourine player?

And yet another friend of mine, she tells me that I should just get laid. And so I say….

Why, does JD want to consummate our love?

The answer is not likely. Parts of my gums have been hurting for the past few days (despite me maintaining an acceptable standard of dental hygiene, I swear).The dentist says it’s nothing, probably just my sinuses but I’m starting to suspect that I have some mysterious, unconventionally diagnosable, nasty gum disease. How will JD ever love me now? I have gum disease!

I think it’s one of those unwritten Laws of Love of the world – Thou shalt not love someone with gum disease along with Thou shalt not love someone who taketh his wife’s pubic hair shavings, sticks it on his chin and calls it a goatee (Dave Navarro, yes son, I’m talking to you) and Thou shalt not love someone with what looks like a spare butt for a chin, Thou shalt not love someone who has starred in one too many stage musicals, Thou shalt not love someone with a mullet, Thou shalt not love someone who suffers from intense paranoia about privacy invasion yet still keeps a very public online blog of social commentary and then goes mad when “society” decides to read it (Alia, take note, that dude is not worth your time, effort and being) and most importantly, Thou shalt not love someone who makes thou not want to change out of your very worn pajamas for two days running.

Oh, and the final unwritten law we all love to give a miss: Thou shalt not love someone. Something. Anything. Period. Full Stop. Testify! Amen.
Edit: Two hours after writing this entry, I managed to temporarily suppress the symptoms of my JD-obsession, enough to rejoin human society, meet up with long lost friends for a JD-free hour out in the equally long lost purple haze. Ah, honey, I’m home!

The Right to Feel

This is what happens when you’re almost 20 and you still live with your parents: you have every capacity to form your own thoughts, values and opinions but your ability to act upon them is limited. Highly limited. Especially if you have a mother like mine who charges a high ransom for nine months in the womb.

So The Big Issue with Mother for today is that the mother has sent JD the Cat away despite protests from all sides (well, just one side – me, oh, and the maid) and despite the fact that she has apparently grown very fond of it. She tells me, get this, this is probably the real big issue at hand, that I have no right to feel angry which I find utterly ….. I can’t find the word for it but an accurate action would be to repeatedly hit your head against the wall, strangle yourself to the point of near death and just when you’re able to breathe again, you take a gun and you shoot yourself in the ear. The right to feel is possibly the most basic and sacred of all human rights, and quite possibly the hardest to manipulate, violate, control or regulate. Any figure of authority can take away your right to speak, your right to act based on your feelings but no one, not even the most tyrannical of tyrants or dictatorial of dictators, no matter what they say or do, can in actuality, regulate or control the way you feel. Your feelings are sacred to you, you and you alone. Your feelings make you your own being, you, the human being.

It breaks my heart to not have JD the Cat nipping at my feet, curling up under my armpits when I sleep any longer (perhaps, and I’m being serious here, that having JD the Human, as in JD Fortune to do the same might be the only thing that can make me feel better). It breaks my heart to think how unsettling all this moving around must be for JD the Cat.

I will not cry. I will not cry. God, I will not cry.

But it was never my cat in the first place. It was the mother’s. And it’s her house. It just so happened that while living in her house, I developed a close bond with the stupid little creature (the cat, not my mother).

Don’t ask me why the mother decided to give the cat that she herself claims to be “the sweetest cat in the world” away. She did once say though that she feels like I love the cat more than I love her. She feels what she feels. It’s her right to. And because it’s her house and her cat, it’s her bloody right to act upon what she feels.

And it’s my right to feel glad that I’m moving out of the house and leaving the country in February next year.

Ah, to speak of the three eternal battles in life: the battle between good and evil, the battle between flesh and spirit and the battle between mother and daughter. Perhaps the latter is the hardest of all to be won.

There comes a time when “patching things up” means making a bigger hole.

JD the Cat is with Alia now and I trust she’ll take really good care of it. I think I found it one of the best homes a cat can have (but I can’t be sure, I’m not a cat). I only hope that her other cat, Calhoun doesn’t end up eating JD for breakfast or I might have possibly found Calhoun the best meal a cat can have.

“ Tu entre todos los seres tienes derecho a verme débil ”
(You among all beings have the right to see me weak).
- El Dano (The Hurt); Pablo Neruda
At least I think that’s what it means.