Friday, December 22, 2006

The Festive Season

A Time of Optimism

The optimism disease is perhaps, the oldest, surviving disease known to Humankind and it is not a health issue that can be taken lightly. Those infected with optimism have been known to jump to their deaths from tall buildings under the impression that they would be able to fly. They’ve been known to spend all their money, hopeful if not certain that there will always be more. Optimism is a disease that will cause one to hold on when others are willing to let go. It’s a disease that has defeated many great generals throughout history despite the fact that it is often closely associated with unremarkable men.

But what is even worse than being infected with optimism is to be cured of it; there is only one known remedy in fighting optimism and that is disappointment. The recommended dosage varies from case to case. Research has shown that patients who are given small, frequent doses of disappointment recover more slowly than those that are given a large, one-off amount but are less likely to be re-infected by the disease later on in life. Experts say that currently, the complete eradication of the Optimism Disease will only be possible if the world community unites toward the total annihilation of Humankind. They are however, hopeful that an alternative solution will miraculously be found in the near future.

In the meantime, some preventive measures can be taken to reduce our risk of being infected. We can start by identifying carriers of the Optimism virus – the blindly faithful, hopeless romantics, Oprah Winfrey, the mentally well adjusted, happy drunks, well meaning friends on your birthday, well meaning friends on your birthday that are happy drunk versions of Oprah Winfrey – and completely avoiding or at least, limiting direct contact with them. Research has also shown that one is more susceptible to being infected by the optimism virus during New Year’s Eve and birthdays where empty greetings, well wishes and lavish celebrations might lead one to believe without any good, solid proof that the next twelve months will be better than the last. Therefore, it is best that one stays in bed, buried underneath the covers with one’s mobile phone switched off on such occasions.

Patient A is a life-long chronic sufferer of optimism and describes her condition as “an unfaithful lover that comes and goes as it pleases, each time leaving you worse off than the last.” She recently turned 21 and when asked on how she was feeling, she answers, “Hopeful.” She said the exact same thing on her 20th and on her 19th (not to mention the year before that and the one before that..) despite repeated warnings from experts in the field that “Hope is the wasteland of the unfulfilled.”

Rudolph’s Mercy

Someone, somewhere is about to be crushed by a falling Christmas tree. Not just any Christmas tree, but The World’s Tallest Christmas Tree in a shopping mall that occupies the world’s (formerly) tallest building where the spirit of Christmas can be bought for a bargain at a 50% discount. They will even throw you a free set of steak knives with a red ribbon on top if you’re nice. Perfume promoters are dressed in short Santarina outfits that would make Santa Claus seem like the Hugh Hefner of the North Pole. The overenthusiastic Santarinas will have your eyeballs smelling of Paradise, Pleasures, Mania, Crave, Stella, Whatever, BlaBla if you’re not careful. On the other side of town, a little boy is getting the lyrics to Jingle Bells wrong: “Jingle Balls, Jingle Balls, Jingle till you’re gay, oh much fun it is to ride on a one-night manly lay, hey!” The crowd of adults around him clap their hands with glee and go, “Awww….how cute!”

A friend says to me, “Come over to my place for Christmas lunch on the 25th.”

“Sure,” I say. I’ll go anywhere where there’s free food because I’m Malaysian to the bone.

Another friend says, “I’m having a Christmas open-house on the 26th. Come. It’s not an invitation. It’s an order.”

“Yes ma’am,” I obligingly say for even if one is not religiously or traditionally obliged to celebrate Christmas, there seems to be no escaping it. No escape.

At home, I turn on the TV and there is Ben Affleck trying to survive Christmas by paying a bunch of strangers to celebrate it with his big chin. I switch the channel and there is Rob Lowe helping a poor boy buy a pair of Christmas shoes for his dying mother.

Yet another friend sings, “Rudolph the red nose reindeer, had a very shiny gun, and if you ever see him – you better turn around and run!!!!!!!”

You can run. But there’s no escaping it. No escape. I am at Rudolph’s mercy.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Maryam's Guide to Everything Pt. 1

How to Eat Healthy
When given a choice, don't eat this:

Eat this:

Oh, I'm sorry. Did I say 'how to eat healthy'? I meant, how to eat the (fit) and healthy.

How to Tell Right From Wrong
This is wrong:

And this is right:

How to tell Fantasy from Reality
I hate to admit it but this is fantasy:

This is reality:

This public service announcement has been brought to you by S.E.X.Y.F.A.T - Society for the Exploitation of Yummy Men in Film and Television. For a more comprehensive guide on living life, please visit or ask your momma.

Thank you. Come Again.

Friday, December 15, 2006

December 2006 Shit List

Fines for ‘Indecently Dressed’ Muslim Women in Kota Bharu

Yes, God save us from the people who think they’re doing God’s work. The Municipal Council insists that “it is to protect the dignity of our women”. Here is what I would like to ask them:

a) Why are they your women?
b) What makes you think that women need you to protect their dignity?
c) And how in the world is this crazy rule going to help “protect a woman’s dignity”? If anything, it’s an insult, insinuating that women are nothing but walking lumps of flesh and sin. So you’re saying that a woman with her knees exposed is immediately a person of no dignity? Eh, today, I showed members of the public my forearms. I must have no dignity. Here, I shall redeem myself by giving you money.

Hearing this, I feel tempted to make the long drive to Kota Bharu and run around in booty shorts just out of spite. Not that I own or would normally wear booty shorts. Ever. What is the big deal with women’s bodies? Even in the US, which claim to be “the land of the free” they made such a hoo-haa over Janet Jackson’s accidentally exposed boobs at the Superbowl Half-Time Performance. Yes, children can watch people’s heads getting blown off on TV but God forbid they should see an exposed boob! I’m not saying that women should all get their tits out; I’m saying that people should stop acting as if they’ve never seen one. And if you haven’t, don’t panic; women’s nipples do not shoot out deadly bullets unless you’re in a James Bond flick.

James Bond’s Super-Aggressive Marketing Machine

Hype and enthusiastic promotion is one thing, but the super-aggressive marketing campaign behind the James Bond movie franchise seems more like a direct order: Watch Yet another James Bond Movie or DIE! In November, I couldn’t read a magazine, watch television, turn a street corner or buy a burger without something or someone telling me to watch the latest James Bond movie ….or DIE! And they even brainwashed one of my oldest friends into becoming a walking billboard for Bond.

“Have you watched Casino Royale?” she asks over coconut water and fried popiah one afternoon.

No. No. No. I’ve never been interested in the whole Bond thing. It’s always the same old thing: womanizing almost middle-aged dude in a tux, aided by a bikini queen nuclear scientist/ (Victoria) Secret Agent saves the world from a Soviet / North Korean megalomaniac hell-bent on world domination. Seems like fishy propaganda to me. And Bond has to be the worst spy/ secret agent ever – everyone knows his name and he drives flashy look-at-me cars. In real life, some bad ass Russian agents would’ve long poisoned him with a heavy dose of Polonium-210. Bond, Dead Bond. (Yes, I know it’s an escapist flick)

“This one is different!” my friend insisted.

So I’ve heard. “Good for them. But I still don’t intend to pay good money to watch it.”

“The new Bond is hot……”

Yes. I’ve seen the pictures of a very buff Daniel Craig emerging out of the wave in tiny trunks. Who hasn’t? It’s nice to see the new Bond being as equally sex-ploited as his female counterparts but “Yes, if I were to watch every movie with an attractive guy in it, I wouldn’t be doing much of anything else would I?”

“WHY WON’T YOU WATCH BOND? WHY WON’T YOU WATCH BOND?!” my friend screamed as sparks flew out of the top of her head. The promote-Bond-chip they implanted in her brain must be malfunctioning. Perhaps, they didn’t engineer it to meet with any sort of resistance. “HOW CAN YOU NOT BE INTERESTED?!”

Exactly. Oh no, is it possible, is it possible that there is a woman on this planet that can resist the marketing charms of Bond, James Bond? Don’t be fooled, Bond is the evil megalomaniac hell bent on world domination and I, well, I’m shaken…. but not stirred.

Stars of “Supernatural” Wearing Too Much Clothing

For the uninitiated, Supernatural is a TV series about two twenty-something brothers, Dean and Sam whose mother was killed by a demon when they were kids and now hunts all evil things that go bump, whack and muahahaha in the night. Now, Dean and Sam are HOT but on account of them being male, they get to keep their two layers of clothes on most of the time. Even during the rare times Dean and Sam manage to lose their tops, they manage to obtain a new shirt within 3 minutes. If they were female, I can bet you that everytime they encountered an evil hell beast at the start of an episode, their clothes would be ripped to shreds and they’d be spending the rest of the show in their underwear where the jiggle of a pair of boobs and flash of the butt cheeks is equally effective in fighting the creatures of the dark as say, a wooden stake to the heart or a shot of a silver bullet. There is a great injustice happening here – men have equal right to be sexploited in film and television as women do. Let us work together to free Dean and Sam’s pecs from the tyranny of heavy sweaters and leather jackets. They deserve some credit for the hard work they put in at the gym! ------- Maryam for S.E.X.Y.F.A.T- Society for the Equal Exploitation of Yummy Men in Film and Television

The Over-Abundance of Shopping Malls in Klang Valley & Window Parking

Oh, the sweet scent of consumerism! These days, one can’t trip over a pebble in the Klang Valley without falling into a shopping mall. I hear they now even have plans to build a new shopping mall in a pothole in Jalan Gasing. And what’s with stuffing cinemas, gymnasiums, petting zoos, batting cages and karaoke centers in shopping malls? I want to watch a movie, I don’t want to fucking shop – why do I still need to fight the crowds in a shopping mall?! Why?! Why do many parents think that taking their litter of brats to a shopping mall during the school holidays is a good idea? Why is it that even on weekdays, these shopping malls are still chocked full with people walking around aimlessly at an irritatingly slow pace – don’t Malaysians work anymore? One would think that in Malaysia, it’s not the atmosphere but air-conditioned shopping malls that make it possible for life to thrive and survive.

Why does one neighborhood need 4 shopping malls – all housing the same old retailers – when there’s poor accessibility and limited parking spaces? Instead of building more parking spaces, why cordon off half of already limited parking spaces into “Privileged Parking Areas” and doubling the fees? Why can’t I find a spot to park in after circling the parking lot for half an hour, paying double the fees for “privileged parking”? And if the parking lot is at full capacity, why don’t they put a sign up at the entrance instead of letting us find out for ourselves? You know how there’s window shopping? Well, I call this “window parking” where one only looks at parking spaces without actually getting any. The saddest part is, after 30 minutes of circling a parking lot without any success in actually finding a spot; one is still made to pay parking fees upon exit. This happened to me in One Utama and I was told that if I refused to pay the parking fees and wish to complain, I can take it up with customer service on the (1st?) floor. Yes, but where shall I park my bloody car while I talk to fucking customer service? I can’t! Exactly. You bastards.

Alright, why drive then? Why not take public transport? Hahaha - public transport in the Klang Valley – one has a better chance of riding the Lochness monster or having tea with Bigfoot. Want me to walk? Why don’t you just throw knives in my direction? There are no bleeding sidewalks to walk on and if there are, they’re taken up by either illegally parked cars or stupid looking giant potted plants. And we all know how much respect most KL drivers have for pedestrians…..

United Malay National Organization (UMNO) & Malaysian politics

Things that UMNO is good for: state-the-obvious contests, demanding apologies, exploiting underlying racial tensions for their own political gain while preaching “racial tolerance and harmony” to the choir, waving traditional deadly weapons around and later insisting it was a “non-threatening gesture” (eh, Datuk, what if I wave a gun in your face? Can I tell your security personnel it was a “non threatening gesture” too?), plus many other things that would take too much time to mention. Why seriously debate and analyze the ways in which UMNO has failed and ceased to become relevant to the people it claims to represent when UMNO has become a joke with as many punch-lines as those knock-knock ones? Somewhere along the line, they seem to have forgotten what the letters in UMNO stand for; the ‘M’ could easily mean Menteri, Makan-Makan, money, moron, me-me-me or Macam Mana. Eh, eh, it can also stand for ‘Maryam’! To think that I briefly considered the prospect of joining Puteri UMNO – I’d probably be kicked out in a day for not “toeing the party line”. Bah, some of these people sound like they’ve been sniffing the party line more than they’re toeing it. By the way, why is Puteri UMNO being so quiet, allowing UMNO Youth to hog the spotlight? Aren’t there many issues facing young Malay women in this country that needs to be brought to light? Or are they just there to look pretty in pink so male UMNO members will have something to perv on at the General Assembly? .

*Note: Yes, yes, I know I’m not even a registered voter yet. Give me a break; I’ll only be eligible to vote next week, after I officially turn 21. It’s not my fault that in this country, we’re allowed to marry a deadbeat and breed, drive into a road divider, smoke and drink ourselves to death before we’re even allowed to cast a vote that counts. When I was in Form Five, I wrote an essay for English class which contained a comment that the teachers deemed “too political for a young girl” and was subsequently threatened with detention (which meant having to clean toilets) and forced to attend ‘counseling’ sessions. And then they complain that Malaysian teenagers and young college students lack political awareness. Why be aware of something that ignores you? Lagi syok sembelih kambing to rock music, kan? Lepas tu, boleh buat kari and makan kenyang-kenyang. Yummm.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


*The following is part of a larger story I'm working on. As with everything on this blog, I didn't proof read it so excuse the grammatical errors/ typo/ nonsense. Tell me what you think but

don’t feel obliged to be completely honest when leaving a comment: the truth hurts my feelings.

Chapter One: Mrs. P & The Virtues of Television

“Quack-Quack!” she called out for her son. “Quack-Quack!” she yelled out for her son. No duckling came waddling forward. Not a beak in sight. Her duckling had disappeared without a single trace of a feather.

“Mother Duck is at it again,” remarked Mrs. P, cigarette dangling from her mouth, ash snowing onto the front of her nightgown. The living room window of Mrs. P’s flat opened straight across to that of the Mother Duck’s and since Mrs. P didn’t own a TV, she entertained herself by spending countless hours sitting by that window, watching the soap opera that is Mother Duck’s life unfold before her. Mother Duck seemed to have misplaced her son, “Quack-Quack” and Mrs. P says to no one in particular, “Serves her right for naming her son Quack Quack. What boy would want to return home to the person responsible for the tragedy that is his name? Call your son a duck and he’ll fly away, that’s what he’ll do, he’ll fly away….”

In truth, Quack-Quack’s name wasn’t really Quack-Quack. He had a beautiful name at birth. Unfortunately, he was such an ugly baby that the beautiful name wouldn’t stick. When he was born, the doctor didn’t know whether to tell his mother that she had given birth to a healthy baby boy or merely a mouth. It was a mouth that was entirely too big for his tiny baby face that the nurses, they laughed themselves silly over jokes that the baby’s mouth had swallowed his face before birth. When little Quack-Quack was presented to his mother shortly after birth, she started demanding a C-section, screaming wildly, “Get the rest of my baby out!”

Another patient at the hospital, catching a glimpse of the newborn Quack-Quack said in horror, “My god, now that’s a face only a mother could love,” to which the patient’s husband added, “That is of course, if it actually had a face.”

Friends of Quack-Quack’s mother remarked, “Ohhh, the little guy has your mouth......Now if only he could get the rest of him from somewhere, anywhere.” And then one says, “It looks a lot like a duck’s beak, doesn’t it, his mouth?” That was when Quack-Quack started crying, for strangely enough, despite the size of his mouth, Quack-Quack was a silent baby and did not have his first cry until he was six months old. Even then, his cry came out sounding less like a typical Waaaa…Waaa and more like a quack quack. And that, ladies and gentleman was how he became known as Quack Quack.

Nevermind that Quack Quack later grew into his mouth or rather, the rest of him grew out of his mouth and his mouth finally became proportionate to the rest of his face, though just like his mother, it retained its duck-like quality (But then, admirers of Mother Duck and she had many, mind you, tend to describe her mouth as ‘sensuous’ so we may now arrive at the conclusion that ducks are rather sensuous). The problem now was that, in terms of design-aesthetics, was that his body had grown in height but not in width giving him the fragile appearance of a rubber band that had been stretched far beyond its limits and was ready to snap. Then there were his eyes, which started becoming disproportionately large when his mouth shrank to its rightful size. They were further emphasized by thick, long, curly dark lashes that seemed to have been stolen from a girl. And though his eyes were dark at birth, it became afflicted with a rare disease known as the “Eye Version of the Michael Jackson Syndrome” and quickly faded into an eerie shade of pale grey with each birthday - “the color of a ghost,” according to Mrs. P whom many suspected would know a thing or two about ghosts herself.

You see, Mrs. P was older than old because no one, not even the 80 year old grandmother who lived next door to Mrs. P for 30 years can recall a time when Mrs. P was young. No one knows for certain how old Mrs. P was, only that she was too old to be alive and the fact that she was still walking around her apartment and this earthly plain must be due to the fact that she was indeed, a ghost, albeit a rather solid one still bound by the laws of physics that govern the living. She was neither a benevolent nor a malevolent spirit, just a nosey one which didn’t require elaborate spells and potions, religious scriptures and crucifixes to keep out, only a drawn curtain and a closed window. Nobody knows what the ‘P’ in her name stands for but then no one ever really bothered to ask since the chain-smoking Mrs. P had breath that smelled like exhaust fumes from an old, diesel truck and to speak with her face to face (she didn’t own a phone) was to risk carbon monoxide poisoning. As for the ‘Mrs’ in ‘Mrs. P’, well, who knows where that came from since apparently, there isn’t a Mr. P, not in the last 300 years at least.

Mrs. P, sat by her living room window, always in the faded floral nightgown that was perhaps, as old as she was and went all the way down to the floor and covered her feet, and when she moved, it looked as if she was drifting in the air, much like how one would expect a ghost to move. She opened a new pack of cigarettes and laughed derisively at the Surgeon’s General Warning. “Smoking may lead to premature death,” she read out loud to no one in particular for there was never anyone but herself in her flat, not even a cat although occasionally, the sound of loud mewing could be heard coming from Mrs. P’s flat (it was rumored that Mrs. P drank the blood of a 100 cats each evening to keep alive). “Bah! At my age, no death is premature.”

Mother Duck was on the phone yelling to someone about her missing duckling. “He’s … I don’t know… 16..or 17… What does it matter?!! He’s missing!” Mrs. P heard her yelling.

Quack Quack however, was not 16. Or 17. He had only just turned fifteen.

“Are you calling me a bad mother??!!! How dare you! How dare you!” screamed Mother Duck into the phone before the phone went flying out her window, crashing right through Mrs. P’s window and hitting the older than old lady square in the head. As Mrs. P lay on the floor, blood gushing out of her forehead, struggling to hold on to consciousness, she thought she said out loud to no one in particular, “My, I should’ve gotten break-proof glass for my windows…….”

Of course, what she really should’ve gotten was a television set. No telephone ever went flying out of a television set.

Chapter Two: Naima and Her Mentor, the Brick Wall

We are often told that part of the pleasure of being young is that we are free of responsibility. This is of course, a half-truth. The young are free of all responsibility but one: the responsibility of keeping quiet. Remember that old saying of ‘children should be seen not heard?” Well, Naima was heard before she was seen. Unlike her neighbor, Quack-Quack whose vocal chords, like an old car, took half a year to warm up into producing a convincing sound, Naima, if we are to believe the claims of her mother, had been talking since before she was born.

The day Naima was conceived, her mother had heard what seemed like an “Uh-Oh” coming from her belly. Her parents were firm believers that all children were gifts from God and was more than grateful that God had saw fit to bestow upon them six gifts over a period of ten years. Naima however, was the seventh and it seemed more and more that if she was a gift at all, she was one of those “My ___ went to ____ and all I got was this lousy t-shirt” type of gift.

When the pregnancy was confirmed, Naima spoke again from her mother’s belly saying, “I told you so” and frequently interrupted the gynecologist’s sentences with “Well, I could’ve told you that” and “Don’t you know this already? Can we go now? Can we please please please go now?” Driving home from the doctor’s office, Naima’s mother heard her belly say, “Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” This was the first time Naima was told to be quiet. It wouldn’t be her last.

She came out of her mother’s womb with a cry so mighty that it was said to have awoken a patient in a neighboring hospital, a diabetic who a week before had gone into a state of irreversible coma. “What is that noise???” were the patient’s first words upon regaining consciousness followed by, “Shut that thing up, I’m trying to sleep here.” Of course, every time someone tried to shush baby Naima, she would become violently ill and throw up all over their shoulder. Her pediatrician reckoned it was because babies were “as yet unable to swallow and digest their own sounds and words. Stick to breast milk or baby formula for now and try again when she’s older,” he advised.

And so they did, 6 years later, by sending her to school which should have stupefied her into a state of silent obedience almost immediately. But alas, her parents had made the mistake of telling her to “stand up for what you believe in” and as a result of that, Naima was frequently made to stand in the corner of class, facing the wall, isolated from the rest of her peers with an index finger placed over her lips. “Miss, what is the purpose of having my finger over my lips?” Naima asked her teacher. “So you’ll be QUIET, Naima,” replied her teacher. “But I can still talk!” Naima pointed out with her index finger still pressed firmly against her lips.

It was only much later, after many hours of one-sided conversations with the class’ southeast corner wall that Naima realized the ability to talk did not necessarily come with the privilege of being heard. The phrase ‘children should be seen not heard’ rang in her ears and for the first time in her life, she was overcome by words louder than her own. “Perhaps, I’ll try again when I’m older,” said Naima to the wall which remained as unresponsive as a pile of bricks.

It didn’t occur to Naima, until she hit puberty at the age of 12, grew breasts and became distinctly female that her sex, like her youth, came with the responsibility of keeping quiet. But while youth could easily be grown out of, a change of sex was a different matter and required a lengthy explanation that of course, no one would ultimately be bothered to listen to. Despite the progress various women’s liberation movement have made across the world over decades and centuries of struggle and negotiation, vocal women are still socially assigned labels with negative connotations – nag, bitch and man-hating-hairy-sexually-frustrated-ugly-feminist. Naima’s teacher at school, confusing the looseness of Naima’s lips with another type of looseness, even went so far as to say that Naima had failed the class because she was “too busy fooling around with boys”. (This was of course, the very same teacher who answered all of Naima’s questions regarding the subject with nothing more than a, “Don’t question! Questions are for those who lack faith!”) No, I failed the class because you made me spend most of it in a faraway corner faced to a wall, thought Naima and here was yet another first for Naima: here was the first time she thought of something that didn’t manage to escape her lips.

The transformation was complete. By 13 years of age, Naima was silent and sullen from being made to swallow words and opinions that were never meant to be eaten in the first place. These words, they acted like poison in her system resulting in a 100 tiny pinholes in her brain that not only affected her cognitive ability but also caused gradual paralysis of the mouth. By the tender age of 15, her speech became limited to two words contracted into one: “Dunno”

“Dunno” was exactly what Naima said when questioned over the death of Mrs. P by a flying telephone and the disappearance of her neighbor, Quack-Quack. Nevermind that Naima had indeed seen the flying telephone take off from Mother Duck’s living room before crash landing upon Mrs. P’s head. (Mrs. P’s head was cracked open when they found her. On the autopsy table, they discovered that the old lady’s bones had turned to petroleum.) Nevermind that Naima also knew exactly when and where she last saw Quack Quack - she had been taught by a brick wall that the best way to stay quiet is to feign ignorance hence, in accepting the responsibility of keeping quiet, she had inadvertently mastered the art of lying.

Chapter Three: Lord Hescham & the Eradication of Poverty

Naima had last seen Quack Quack three weeks before Mrs. P’s fatal telecommunications accident, kicking a ball around the local neighborhood park. Of course, by the time of Mrs. P’s death, the park had been bought over by a corporation owned by a certain Lord Hescham and almost overnight had been turned into Le’ Hescham Luxury Lifestyle Central – a towering, glittering complex designed by two overpaid foreign architects and built by an army of underpaid foreign laborers. The complex offered 30 floors of luxury apartments valued at 5 million each, complete with gold plated bidets that spout Evian water with the flush of a toilet and an impressive 360 view of surrounding urban poverty and unplanned, overzealous development. There were high end designer shops on the first three floors, shops with names like Houis Vuittoncci, Giorgious Chelamelni, Influenza Schouler, manned by immaculately groomed retail assistants whose noses frequently pointed North, like the needle of a compass and would be stained in brown at the drop of a Visa Platinum. And where once, there was the horror of an open field where anyone could run and play for free, now there is an exclusive, fully-equipped state-of-the-art gym where we can make like hamsters for a fee and debate the virtues of Hot Yoga as opposed to Room Temperature Yoga while admiring eachother’s sculpted, media-approved bodies. Let us also not forget the swank rows of be-seen-at clubs, bars and restaurants that take pride in their expatriate clientele who never had it so good in their home countries. And last but not least, the best feature of Le’ Hescham Luxury Lifestyle Central: the chronic lack of parking space which sees the best of European-engineered cars parked haphazardly and illegally along the road, reducing two lanes to one, creating a permanent traffic congestion that apparently, only goes to show the success of this particular Le Hescham development.

Stuck in a 3 kilometer-long traffic jam on a road leading towards Le Hescham Luxury Lifestyle Central, Lord Hescham sits in one of his humbler cars that comes with a logo that is often confused with the peace symbol.

Now, before we go any further, we must make it clear that Lord Hescham is not really a Lord nor is his name really spelled as H-E-S-C-H-A-M. Long ago, his grandfather who came from a long line of monarchists contracted a socially-transmitted disease known as Anglophilia, symptoms of which include class-snobbery and a fascination and desperate mimicry of British Aristocracy. And just as children of alcoholics and smokers are more likely (although not condemned) to drink and smoke, the descendants of monarchists and Anglophiliacs sometimes, will give their names as much of an Anglo-twist as it would allow and after accumulating much power and money, tend to think of themselves as ‘Lord’. Not that we should hold this against, Lord Hescham – after all, the right to re-invent oneself should not only be limited to popstars.

While Lord Hescham (who in his adulthood caught a bout of faux-Francophilia) inherited his title from his grandfather, the seed of philanthropy was planted in him by his father, a former senior civil servant who had tirelessly and successfully served his country for 30 years with paltry pay before trying his hand at setting up a ‘socially and environmentally-conscious’ business…..and losing it along with half his life savings and Lord Hescham’s education fund. “The problem with how the world works today is that authority is for sale and commerce is politicized,” Lord Hescham’s father said to him, “People are no longer interested in great ideas because great things take too long-a time to come into being. These people; they’re impatient. They can only see as far as short-term profit for themselves. And they’re all corrupt! Corrupt, I tell you and I refuse to be part of it. These people; they’re not interested in what’s on the table; they’re interested in what’s under it.” This speech might have turned Lord Hescham into a crusader against the injustices of the world had it not been for the fact that his father ended it with a defeated, “But such is life…what can you do?” and his mother answered, “The problem with you is that you have too much of a social conscience to be good for doing business in this country. So what can you do? You can retire.” But of course, depleted savings meant that Lord Hescham’s father had to continue to work in the tireless fashion all honest people were accustomed to, unaware that hard work carries with it a myriad of potential health risks including heart disease, stroke and worst of all, invisibility. Lord Hescham’s father worked till he disappeared out of the sight, hearts and minds of his family members. He did not leave a gaping void; no, in his place was money and the unfulfilled promise of more.

Lord Hescham’s mother, lonely and bitter at her invisible husband told her youngest son, “Don’t be like your father – don’t work hard; work smart.” It is said that the sins of the father is often revisited upon the son but Lord Hescham set out to prove himself to not be his father’s son – that this apple fell so far from the tree that it was almost an orange. If everyone was interested in what’s under the table rather than what’s on it, then unlike his father, he would offer the world beneath the table, right by his feet that these people would soon be licking his Prada shoes as if it was mom’s home cooked food.

Years after his father’s crossover into the realm of the invisible, Lord Hescham had become not only a highly successful property developer and a self-fashioned English aristocrat; he had also become a philanthropist who helped many government officials, authority figures and politicians achieve the dream of living far beyond their means and in return, he was blessed with good karma that ensured fast-tracked approval for his company’s many development projects and won him lucrative government contracts.

It is true what they say: a good deed is its own reward. (And so it must be that a reward is a good deed).

Being rich is better than being great, Lord Hescham had once thought in the privacy of his own mind. Wait, no, in this country, being rich is greatness. Lord Hescham, along with his friends in government had a vision to turn this developing country into an “international luxury hub”, the “Monaco of the East”. Nevermind that ¾ of the nation’s population could not afford to enjoy any of it – there were always international jet setters, oil billionaires, Hollywood stars, Ferrari team bosses and all manner of glitterati that they could attract from elsewhere. “We aim to attract quality people to our development projects,” Lord Hescham once said. And what exactly did he mean by ‘quality people’? “People with an annual income of 125, 000 or more,” said one of his company’s PR people.

Unbeknownst to Lord Hescham, his own business partner who definitely earned more than 125, 000 annually was embezzling company profits and manipulating shareholders into thinking that the company was doing better than it actually was. Unbeknownst to Lord Hescham, one of the luxury condominium blocks he built on a steep hill slope against environmental regulations using unsafe yet cost-saving (hence profit-maximizing) material would in five years time, collapse into a pile of rubble, killing 73 people and two kittens. Unbeknownst to Lord Hescham, he would be faced with legal action and be forced to file for bankruptcy. Little did Lord Hescham know that in five years time, he would become the type of person his own PR people labeled as ‘of no quality.’

But for now, Lord Hescham was one of the country’s leading, most prominent corporate figures, a role model for aspiring entrepreneurs, succeeding where his own father had failed. He took great pride in escaping the fate of invisibility which befell his father while seemingly oblivious to the role he was playing in the gradual disappearance of a thousand other fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers.

Lord Hescham looked out of his car window and saw parts of the city he had not yet bought over and turned into one of his luxury hubs. What he did not see, were the people. Because far from being your average millionaire property developer, Lord Hescham was also, in his own way, a philanthropist, magician and an all-round quality guy. One might say that Lord Hescham had assisted the nation in the huge task of eradicating poverty by helping to render the poor invisible. After all, how would anyone know it’s there if they can’t see it?

(to be continued….eventually…or not..)

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Welcome to Malaysia

Where the Streets Have No Rules

Driving in Malaysia is a bit like engaging in extreme sports. You get to flirt with death, you get your adrenaline rush; Malaysians take an almost sociopathic pride in being assholes on the road.

“Why are you stopping?” asked my friend in the passenger seat.

“Pedestrian crossing,” I answered. “And there are pedestrians that need to cross.”

“You actually stop at a pedestrian crossing? How un-Malaysian of you.”

“I’m very Malaysian, thanks. I’m just not an asshole…….in this aspect, at least. Saya pemandu berhemah

The driver of the car behind me, he was honking loudly and impatiently but an old lady was trying to cross the road for god’s sake! What did he want me to do? Run over someone’s grandmother to save five measly seconds of his time?

And just the other day, I was nearly involved in a car crash when this idiot decided to suddenly switch lanes without turning on his signal or utilizing his side mirror and I responded by slamming the brakes and using my honk to say in Morse code, “Oi nak mati ke?!!! Kalau nak sangat, come here, I’ll beat your head with the hood of your car till it splits open!”

The car slowed down to the side of the road and the driver, raised his hand in apology as I passed him by. My sister, who was in the car with me, started bursting out in laughter. “Geez, you scared the hell out of him……..”

I might be female but when I get behind the wheel and my wheel gets behind a driver who appears to have no depth perception or actual lessons in the fine art of driving, I’m 100% pure raging testosterone. And now I must hang my head in shame – in my effort to become a pemandu berhemah, I’ve turned into a road-raging psycho who patiently stops for little old ladies while threatening to crack open the skulls of those that won’t.

So, if you’re driving around the Klang Valley and happen to come across a girl beating the shit out of some man with a baseball bat by the side of the road while chanting, Use Your Signal, Motherfucker, Use Your Signal, don’t worry, that’s just me being a courteous driver and making sure the streets of Malaysia are safe for future generations to drive in.


Where the Streets Have No Gravity

Here’s a question – why would Malaysia spend millions of dollars on sending a man up to space? What business does a country with public schools of embarrassingly third world standards have in sending one man out of this world?

K thinks he might have the answer. “Well, someone needs to figure out how to play batu seremban without the help of gravity…..”

*For the uninitiated: Batu Seremban is a traditional Malay game played with either tiny rocks (the Malay word for ‘rock’ in the non-musical sense is ‘batu’) or little cloth sacks usually filled with sand or uncooked rice or beans. The objective of the game is to throw these things up in the air and catch them before they fall to the ground. Uh. That’s the over-simplified explanation, at least.

Where the Streets are called ‘Presint’ and Come to A Dead End

The problem with democracy in a country which has not quite let go of its feudal past is that everyone ends up having to apologize. Unless of course, you are Prime Minister and President of UMNO – you will often find yourself having to forgive, forgive those like Mukhriz Mahathir that dare say such defamatory and slanderous things against your highly honorable and exalted self, things such as how your UMNO annual general assembly speech “offers nothing new” when in fact, your speech offers and highlights almost as many new things as a bout of déjà vu. Apparently, stating the obvious is a great offense in this harmonious and tolerant nation with a leader of great sensitivity.

Pak Lah says he’s tired of being criticized. Suck it up, Pak Lah, you’re Prime Minister, not our middle child. What do you want - gold star stickers on your exercise book? Quit your preaching, get the brown noses out of your behind and tell Hishamuddin to stop waving and wagging his big keris around before he pokes his own eyes out with it. By the way, ever since you came to power, we’ve been inundated with politicians lecturing the people on moral values. Fancy that, politicians giving the rest of us little people lessons on morality. Here’s a lesson on democracy for the politicians: we did not elect you to tell us how to lead our lives, we elected you to run the damn country so that we may peacefully and comfortably lead our lives in a way in which we see fit. Don’t be fooled by the people that practically prostrate themselves before you as you greet them on your campaign trail – they’ve confused you with a sultan and themselves with Hang Tuah. Make no mistake about it; you are in power only because the people put you there. You work for us, buddy. (Alas, alas, in theory at least).

Oh yes, Malaysia is a relatively tolerant nation but perhaps, it’s about time we start being intolerant towards abject stupidity and blind worship of those in power. We know that Malaysia Boleh, the question we have to ask ourselves now is Malaysia Boleh Buat Apa?

Now if you’ll excuse me, I must commit acts of self flagellation for writing statements that might offend the Prime Minister. Let the deep regret I feel for my words and actions be splashed across the pages of our newspapers for weeks on end and be passed off as ‘journalism’. Let us now believe, as we flip through the pages of The Star, NST, Utusan etc.. that there is nothing else going on in the country that is more important than a Prime Minister’s hurt feelings.